

Projects and ideas I've worked on.

Menteor is a one-of-a-kind platform for personalized mentorship, combining the simplicity of a dating app with a focus on skill-based knowledge transfer. Ideal for self-motivated individuals seeking professional guidance or expertise in a specific field, Menteor connects you with a variety of skilled professionals, creatives, and craftsmen to support you on your journey.

Pouch is a minimalist MVP project designed to emulate the functionality of a digital wallet app. Pouch isn't just any wallet app—it's a versatile platform that can be seamlessly integrated with other services to serve as their wallet and reward management system. I originally developed Pouch to complement my passion project, Menteor, which I'm currently working on. Right now, Pouch is in its MVP stage, featuring two main modules: wallet, handling all things wallet-related, and treasury, designed for managing rewards by admin users.

During my tenure at Aufait, I played a pivotal role as the frontend developer for the Club Sulaimani project, aimed at revitalizing their online presence. Collaborating closely with the team, I spearheaded the rebranding and development efforts to craft a dynamic website tailored precisely to Club Sulaimani's unique brand identity and specific requirements.

The Digital Fest module is a pivotal addition to our learning management system, facilitating technical and programming competitions among students from subscribing schools. This module streamlines event management, replacing the previously offline process with a centralized and user-friendly system. From event announcements to evaluating and announcing winners, the entire workflow is now efficiently handled within the application.

The Release Note Module was designed to simplify version update management for a learning management system. This project consisted of two key components: a newsletter module and a release note module. The newsletter module was configured with several settings and a backend cronjob, seamlessly integrated with the existing email management system. It automated the creation of release note templates for efficient communication. The release note module tracked and published version updates at regular intervals, combining the expertise of technical content writers and cutting-edge GPT models to produce engaging content.

Welcome to CS Lab Editor, a streamlined and engaging version of the renowned Replit app, designed to inspire a passion for coding and IT skills among young talents. This innovative React-based editor, featuring a sleek glassmorphism design, provides a user-friendly platform for exploring the world of coding. CS Lab Editor is one of only two online editors capable of flawlessly running Python turtle graphics code, along with integrated educational games to engage students and enhance their technical skills.

Talentify bridges the gap between talented developers and companies, offering skill enhancement, career growth, and rewarding work experiences. For companies, we provide vetted, experienced talent ready to work from day one, simplifying the hiring process. Enjoy the flexibility to choose talent based on potential, not just resumes. My co-founder and I decided to make this pivot to address the challenges faced by developers returning to the job market after a career break.